
About Us

About Us

Welcome to Sri Sathya Sai Trust (Maharashtra) – Dharmakshetra

Founded on 23 March 1967 by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Sri Sathya Sai Trust (Maharashtra) has been a beacon of spirituality and service for over half a century. Rooted in the teachings and ideals of our Founder, the Trust has been tirelessly serving humanity, guided by the principles of love, selflessness, and unity.

Our Main Centre: Dharmakshetra, Mumbai

At the heart of our spiritual and service activities lies Dharmakshetra, our main centre situated in the vibrant city of Mumbai. Dharmakshetra, meaning “the field of righteousness,” is not just a physical location; it is a sacred space where individuals from all walks of life come together to seek spiritual growth and engage in selfless service to the community.

Our Mission and Vision

Our mission is to carry forward the timeless message of love and service, as exemplified by Baba . We strive to inspire individuals to lead a life of purpose, filled with compassion and empathy, transcending the boundaries of caste, creed, and religion. Our vision is to create a harmonious society where every individual can experience the divinity within and serve humanity
with love.

Service Initiatives

Through various service initiatives, we have touched the lives of countless people, providing free healthcare, nutrition, education, and relief to those in need. Our dedicated volunteers work tirelessly to uplift the underprivileged, bringing smiles to the faces of the less fortunate.

Spiritual Activities

In addition to our service endeavours, we offer a spiritual haven for seekers through satsangs, bhajans, meditation sessions, and discourses. We believe that spirituality is the path to inner peace, and Dharmakshetra serves as a sacred space for spiritual growth and enlightenment based on Baba’s life and message.

Join Us in Our Journey

Sri Sathya Sai Trust Maharashtra welcomes all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds, to join us on this transformative journey of self-discovery,
service to humanity, and spiritual awakening. Together, let us continue to spread love, harmony, and the timeless teachings of Baba.

Come, be a part of our family, and let us collectively work towards a better, more compassionate world.